Every day We Have 222 Work.
Todos los dias tenemos trabajar.
Todos los dias tenemos trabajar.
Todos los dias tenemos trabajar.
On Self.
Inn silence.
Tenemos que vivir ahi.
We have to live there.
We have to find comfort in the silent homes we create within ourselves.
Todos los dias tenemos trabajar.
Every day we have 222 work.
On being healthy -
La mente es muy importante. The mind is very important.
Feed your mind healthy thoughts, for it deserves to be free from those things that are meant to poison it.
El cuerpo es el recipiente. The body is the vessel.
Treat your vessel with love and respect, and it will do to you the same.
La alma nececita sanidad. The soul needs healing.
Stop neglecting yourself. Your soul begs to be healed, loved, and expressed.
Stop suppressing it.
Todos los dias tenemos trabajar…pero a que costo?
At what cost?