Legendary goddess that she is
Interconnected - we are. Both made from the dust of a star.
The outkasted mythical being who is certainly alluring.
Her emanation is of the great winged Bird Goddess.
Winged spirit. Winged spirit. Winged spirit.
The lovely Lilith.
Young maiden.
“Hand of Innana” -
Bless her soul.
Vast power she had centered
Inn the temple of sacred sexual love -
She lived there, of course
Inn her dim lit light.
The society transformed something so beautifull into a thing that sparks fright.
They called her evil, a demonic feminine being.
Liliths image was distorted,
A true natural disaster.
Lillu the vampires.
Lilitu or she-demons.
Ardat Lili and Irdu Lili, the feminine and masculine.
These versions of her dwelled, preyed, and haunted.
Her flower, the Lilu,
or Lotus represented
the pure aspect as a Triple Goddess.